1999- 2004
John F. Kennedy University, CA
Doctor of Psychology Program
Graduate School of Professional Psychology
Course and dissertation completion – July, 2003
California State University, Long Beach
MA: Kinesilogy and Physical Education: Sports & Exercise Psy
California State University, Long Beach
BA: Kinisoilogy and Physical Education
Supervised Clinical Experience
Pre & Post Doc Internship Family Institute of Pinole, Pinole, CA
Reported to: Carol Odsess & Davida Cohen (Individual Supervisor), Bart Rubin, Davida Cohen,& Yoel Elizur 

(Group Supervisors)
Intake Interviews with diverse population presenting with severe trauma, neglect, sexual & physical abuse.
Worked with diverse clientele including, families, adults, adolescents and children.
Provide counseling focusing on multicultural, family systems, cognitive behavioral, psychodynamic, narrative, & EMDR approaches.
Received two hours of individual supervision, two hour of clinical consultation group, five hours of didactic seminar each week.
Clinical Practicum
University California San Francisco AIDS Health Projects, CA
Reported to: Dominic Ali (Individual Supervisor) & Peter Goldblum (Group Supervisors)
Intake Interviews with Men who are HIV+/AIDS, educate individuals on Partnership Services from The UCSF AIDS Health Project, San Francisco AIDS Foundation and Shanti. Help individuals access a range of services from these three agencies.
Provide Brief Psychotherapy for gay, bisexual, heterosexual, and transgender men with HIV+/AIDS.
Received two hours of group supervision, one hour of individual supervision and two hours of didactic training each week.
Clinical Practicum
John F. Kennedy Community Counseling Center, Pleasant Hill, CA
Reported to: Thomas Michaeles (Individual Supervisor) & Jorge Partida (Group Supervisor)
Intake Interviews with a broad range of populations and presenting problems.
Worked with diverse clientele including adults, adolescents and couples.
Received two hours of group supervision, one hour of individual supervision and two hours of didactic training each week.
Ethnographic Practicum
East Bay Conservation Corp, Oakland, CA
Reported to: Cynthia Gentry (Gain Coordinator) and Bill Richie (Recruiter/Career Developer)
Ethnographic Practicum
Worked with at risk young adults, developing marketable skills for productive, constructive citizenship.
Tutored in the areas of math, english, and computers.
Developed workshops and assisted with diversity training.
Recruited youth from schools, community based organization, and off the streets.
Intuitive Body Works-Access Your Potential
Reported to: Self Employed
Created my own business where I help people resolve past conflict and trauma.
Utilize: Shamanic Work, Intuitive Bodywork, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Recall,
Clearing Residual Energy, Restoring the Child Within, Tapping Techniques, Brain Gym, & Aromatherapy and Sound, and Bodywork.
Creative visualization support to enhance athletic performance.
Oakwood Athletic Club, Lafayette, CA 

Reported to: Brian McGladery (Personal Training Supervisor)
Personnel Trainer and Consultant: one on one proprioception, balance, coordination, muscular strength, and cardiovascular training.
Fitness evaluation: body fat testing, strength testing and cardiovascular testing.
The Trinity Housing Foundation, Walnut Creek, CA
Reported to: Bill Leone, Director of Human Services for Low-Income Housing
Assisted tenants In Identifying services within the community.
Provided referrals to community agencies for:
Career Assessment
Job Training
Job Development
Health and Human Services
Educational Support
Educational Video Conferencing, Lafayette, CA
Reported to: Carl Hassan, PhD
Business Development Director for Educational Video Conferencing with emphasis on distance learning.
Responsible for all sales and marketing efforts in the Western Division including developing sales and marketing strategies and implementation tactics.
Initiated and closed relationships with major business organizations and Universities.
San Diego Institute of Preventative Medicine, San Diego, CA
Reported to: David A. Howe, MD
Counseling with cancer and cardiac patients.
Stress management and massage with terminal cancer and cardiac patients.
Nutritional consultation for a broad range of patients.
Maynard A. Howe, PhD & Associates, San Diego, CA
Reported to: Maynard Howe, PhD (Clinical Psychologist)
Conducted secondary research in sports psychology for elite athletes.
Provided stress reduction training and massage therapy for elite athletes.
Advised and instructed in nutrition and fitness for athletes and other clients.
Grossmont College, La Mesa, CA
Reported to: Department Head
Instructor, Physical Education
Lecture, research and presentation preparation.
Administration and counseling.
California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, CA
Reported to: Dixie Germet, PhD
Instructor, Physical Education
Lecture, research and presentation preparation.
Administration and counseling.
Teaching Assistant: graduate and undergraduate students, counseling and career development, lecture preparations, & administrative work.
Professional Membership
American Psychological Association (APA), Student Affiliate Division 45 (Division for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues)
Certificating of Completion
West Coast Self Healing , One Year Training-2003/2004
Hoffman Quadrinity Process 10/2010
Koryo Hand Therapy , 10/2010
Brian Weiss, 10/2010
Alberto Villoldo10/2011
Emotion Code, by Bradley Nelson, 10/011
Pranic Healing by Master Co., 10/2011